An Introduction to HTML Tags

Jump to a specific HTML tag:

Table of Contents:

Layout and Formatting
Lines and Line Breaks
Bullets, Numbers, and Lists
Hypertext Links and Anchors
Links to Additional Resources




Sample Code

<html> none Identifies a Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) file. Every page on the Web begins with <html> and ends with </html>.

<title> Intro to HTML Tags</title>
<meta name "keywords" content=basic HTML tags introduction Web programming design Hypertext Markup Language>
<meta name "description" content= A list of basic HTML tags for students and beginning Web designers>

<head> none Web pages have a two part structure: head and body. The head contains the title and meta tags.
<title> none The title tag, not surprisingly, assigns a title to the document. The title appears at the top of your browser. The title of this document is "Introduction to HTML Tags." The title is used to identify and link pages.
<meta name>

content =

Meta tags are useful promotional tools as they are used to provide keywords and descriptions for search engines. Search engines use meta tags to quickly index Web pages. As a general rule of thumb, keep your descriptions to within 200 characters and your keywords to within 1000 characters.
<body> ---- The majority of Web page content is contained within the body, just like the body of a book. All pages end with the tags </body> and </html>. <body>
All your pages content goes in the body.
background= When you want to use an image file as your background, use the background value. <Body background="image.jpg">

Assigns a background color based on a six digit hexadecimal number (#rrggbb) with the first two digits specifying the red value, the middle two the green value, and the last two the blue value. The default color is white. The background of this table equals #FFCC66. Other sample values include:

black: 000000
white: FFFFFF
red: FF0000
green: 00FF00
blue: 0000FF

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

Note: This would display a white background.

text= Defines the text color and works similar to bgcolor. The default is black.

<Body text="#000000">

Note: This would display black text.

link= Defines the color of links. The default is blue.

<Body link="#0000FF">

<body alink="#FF0000">

<body vlink="#00FF00">

alink= Defines the color of the active link or link that is currently being clicked. The default is red.
vlink= Defines the color of the visited link or link that has previously been used. The default is purple.
<!-- --> none Comment - These are to make comments in the code that will not be displayed on the page. The comments can be used as references or notes for anyone viewing the code. <!-- make comments here -->

Layout and Formatting




Sample Code


none Bold and strong - Displays text in bold face. <b> This text will be bold</b>whereas this text will not
<i> or <em> none Italics and emphasis - Displays text in italics. <i> Italic versus </i> non-italic text
<u> none Underline - underlines text. <u>underlines</u> text
<tt> none Teletype typeface - Displays text in teletype. Text in <tt> teletype </tt>
<blockqoute> none

Block quote-

Displays indented text and adds a line break. It is typically used for lengthy quotations.
<blockquote>Put your quote here.</blockquote>
<center> none
Center - Displays text aligned in the center.
<center> Center this! </center>





Headings -

Headings are sized from one to six with h1 being the largest and h6 being the smallest. Headings change the font size, add bold, and create a paragraph break above and below the heading.

<h1>Largest Heading</h1>
<h6>Smallest Heading</h6>

align The align attribute can have either "left", "center", or "right" values. <h3 align="center"> Hello </h3>
<pre> none

Preformatted - HTML typically ignores extra spaces and has limited formatting capability. However, the pre tag displays text exactly how it is typed.

             here </pre>  
<font> size Defines the font size, with values from zero to seven. Unlike the heading tag, zero is the smallest size and seven is the largest. You can define the font size using an equals (=) sign or by adding plus (+) or minus (-) so the font will render relative to the current size.

<font size=2> or <font size=+2>

Combine the attributes:
<font size=2 face="Verdana" color="0000FF"> Your text here </font>

face Defines the font face. The browser rendering your page must have your selected font installed, or it will choose the default font. To control for this, select similar alternative fonts by adding a comma.

<Font face="Arial">

<font face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica">

color Defines the font color. Some browsers allow proper color names such as "green", others require the hexadecimal value. To ensure cross-compatibility, always use the hexadecimal value. <Font color="#0000FF">

Lines and Line Breaks




Sample Code

<Br> clear= Line Break - Inserts a line break. The following text will begin on the next line. The clear attribute may have values of "left" or "right". These values are used to format text around inline images. One line here. <Br>
Next line here.
<p> align= Paragraph - Inserts a paragraph break. The following text will skip a space and then begin on the next line. The paragraphs may be aligned with the values of "left", "center", or "right".

One line here. <p>

Next line here. <p align="right">

Next line here.

&nbsp;   Non-breaking space - This is not a tag, however it is useful as it renders a non-breaking  s   p   a    c   e  between characters whereas extra spaces are typically ignored by HTML.   

<Body> Add extra spaces by inserting &nbsp; wherever you want the space. </Body>

<hr> ----

Horizontal rule -

A horizontal line appears across the the page on the next available line.


If the horizontal rule does not extend across the whole page you can align it "left", "center", or"right".

<hr align="center">
width= Defines the length of the line in pixels or as a percentage of the screen. i.e. width="50" or width="50%".

<hr width=50>

<hr width=50%>

size= Defines the height of the line in pixels or as a percentage of the screen. <Hr size=10>
noshade Produces a solid line without shading. <Hr noshade>

Bullets, Numbers, and Lists




Sample Code

<UL> none

Unordered or unnumbered list -

  • Creates a list
  • of indented
  • bullet items.

For embedded lists of this kind, the bullet shape changes for each level.

<li>Item one.
<li>Item two.
<Li>Item three.

<ol> none

Ordered lists -

  1. Creates a list
  2. of indented and
  3. numbered items

<li> Item one.
<Li> Item two.
<Li> Item three.

<li> none List item - This defines an item as a member of an unordered or ordered list and adds the number or bullet. If you simply want to indent the item, leave out this tag. <Li>
<dl> none
Definition or descriptive list -
This list allows you to indent text. It's useful for making terms more salient by indenting their definitions.

<DD>World Wide Web
<DD>HyperText Markup Language

<DT> none Data term - This tag identifies the term to be described or defined. It is not indented.
<DD> none Data description - This tag identifies a term's description or definition. It is indented.

Hypertext Links and Anchors




Sample Code

<a> href=

Anchor - defines an anchor which is used to link within a document, to an outside URL, or to an e-mail address. Href stands for hypertext reference. This reference can be relative or absolute. Relative references link to points within the current page. Absolute references link to outside pages.

<a href= ""> Go to my home page </a>
name= Name - allows you to target specific places within your pages so that users can jump to specific points such as the top or bottom of the page. The Table of Contents links on this page is an example. Name provides the target and href provides the link to that target. In the example at the right, "Go to the top" is a link that will take you to the text "This is text at the top."

<a name="top">This is text at the top</a>

<a href="#top>Go to the top</a>

mailto: This is a link to an e-mail address. <a href= ""> e-mail</a>





Sample Code

<img> src=

The image source defines the location of the image you want to use. Values are in the same form as a hypertext reference.

<img src="image.gif">

<img src= ">

alt= The alt attribute gives an image a text definition that displays while the image is downloading or if the person viewing your Web page has disabled the display of images to increase download speed. <img src="image.gif alt="This is an image">

You can align images on the Web to the left, right, top, texttop, middle, absmiddle, baseline, bottom, or absbottom.

image goes to the next available line and aligns to the left margin. Text wraps around the right side.
right: image aligns to the right and text wraps around the left side. Note: here's where <Br clear="left or right or all"> comes in handy.
top: aligns an image with the top of the tallest item in the line it occupies.
texttop: aligns an image with the tallest text in the line it occupies.
middle: aligns the middle of an image with the baseline of the line it occupies.
absmiddle: aligns the middle of the image with the middle of the line it occupies.
baseline: aligns the bottom of the image with the bottom of the line it occupies.
bottom: same as baseline.
absbottom: aligns the bottom of an image with the bottom of the line it occupies.

<img align="left">
border= Defines the width of the border around an image. <img border=2>
height= Defines the height of the image in pixels. Using the height and width attributes allows a browser to display the text on a page without having to wait for the image to download. <img height=100 width=100>
width= Defines the width of the image in pixels.
hspace= Horizontal space - Defines the amount of space to the left and right of an image. <img hspace=5 vspace=5>
vspace= Vertical space - Defines the amount of space above and below an image.





Sample Code

The <table> and </table> tags define the beginning and ending of a table. <table> Insert table elements here </table>
border= Defines the size of the border around a table. The default is zero. <Table border=2>
height= Defines the height of the table in either pixels or as a percentage of the window. <Table height=50% width=50%>
width= Defines the width of the table in either pixels or as a percentage of the window.
cellpadding= Defines the space between a cell and its contents. <Table cellpadding=3 cellspacing=3>
cellspacing= Defines the space between cells.
Table row - Establishes a table row. <tr> contents </tr>
align= Defines the horizontal alignment of the content within the cells of a row to" left"," center", or"right". <tr align="right">
valign= Defines the vertical alignment of the content within the cells of a row. Values can be "top", "middle", or "bottom". <tr valign="middle">
Table data - defines a particular cell within a row. This tag must appear within the <tr> tags. Both align and valign can be used to define the alignment of a cell. <tr>
<td>Cell A</td> <td> Cell B </td>
width= Defines the width of the cell in either pixels or as a percentage of the table. <td width=50% height=50%>
height= Defines the height of the cell in either pixels or as a percentage of the table.
rowspan= Defines the number of rows a cell spans. For example the cell at left spans 6 rows. The default value is 1. <td rowspan=6>
colspan= Defines the number of columns a cell spans. <Td colspan=3>
nowrap Requires that the text or content within a cell cannot be broken to fit the cell width. <Td nowrap>


Links to Additional Resources about HTML

HTML: An Interactive Tutorial for Beginners
HTML: A Guide to Hard-Coding
HTML Tag List
A Complete Index of HTML Tags